Las diferencias entre el uso de plaquitas de CBN para operaciones de acabado y operaciones de desbaste

Insertos de CBN Son herramientas versátiles que se utilizan tanto en operaciones de acabado como de desbaste, pero tienen características y aplicaciones distintas para cada una:

Operaciones de acabado con plaquitas de CBN:

Precision Machining: Insertos de CBN excel in finishing operations due to their exceptional hardness, wear resistance, and ability to maintain sharp cutting edges.

Acabado superficial: Producen excelentes acabados superficiales en piezas de trabajo debido a su estructura de grano fino y su capacidad para crear superficies lisas con marcas mínimas de herramientas.

Low Feed Rates and High Precision: Insertos de CBN are used at lower feed rates to achieve high precision, accuracy, and dimensional integrity in finishing cuts.

Optimized for Lighter Cuts: In finishing, the focus is on light cuts, and Insertos de CBN perform admirably due to their ability to maintain edge sharpness and control heat generation.

Operaciones de desbaste con plaquitas de CBN:

Material Removal Rates: While not primarily designed for heavy material removal, Insertos de CBN can be used in roughing operations for certain materials, particularly hardened steels and cast irons.

Higher Feed Rates and Depths of Cut: In roughing, Insertos de CBN can handle higher feed rates and larger depths of cut compared to finishing, but within certain limits to avoid premature wear.

Heat and Wear Resistance: Insertos de CBN offer superior heat and wear resistance, enabling them to endure the heat generated during roughing cuts in harder materials.

Desafíos: Sin embargo, en el desbaste, existe el riesgo potencial de astillado debido a mayores fuerzas e impactos, especialmente cuando se superan los límites de las velocidades de avance y las profundidades de corte.

En resumen, Insertos de CBN are typically preferred for finishing operations due to their ability to maintain sharpness, achieve high precision, and deliver excellent surface finishes. However, in specific scenarios where hardened materials need roughing, Insertos de CBN can also be utilized, albeit with considerations for feed rates, depths of cut, and the risk of increased tool wear or potential chipping.

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